Eight Ash Green Cricket Club News story

PIErates compete in T20 final this Friday at The Green!

14 Aug 2015

This Friday, The PIErates - EAG's T20 eleven - will compete in the final of the Colchester Trophy Centre evening leagues against an unbeaten Real Oddies side.

The match will be played at the Green where we're going to make it feel like you're at Chelmsford watching the Essex Eagles!

Music during the game, draught real ale (soft drinks of course for the younger guys!) as well as, naturally, FJ Martin & Sons' excellent pies and barbecue.

It all kicks off at 6 o clock and the game will run until 8 30ish followed by the drinks, barbecue and of course pies!

Expect massive sixes and cartwheeling stumps for an electric T20 bash this friday! The team would really appreciate your support on what promises to be a really great evening for player and spectator alike!

See you there!

Andrew Woodhouse
(PIErates captain)