Ladies Section

Eight Ash Green has fielded a Ladies XI since the League's inception in the 1990's. During that time we have enjoyed remarkably success, winning the League in 1999 and 2000, and being runners up for the following four years. We finally won again in 2007!

We are proactively looking for new players (age 13 and over) to join us. Our ethos is to play to win but whatever the result was ALWAYS have fun!

We support our team with a series of winter indoor practice sessions starting on 29 March and hold training sessions every Saturday over the summer. We compete in the Beaumont Seymour North East Essex Cricket League, with home matches at the Green on Friday evenings from 6:00pm so please do come along and support us. The bar is open – what better way is there to start your weekend. Visit the league web site for more information.

If you’re interested in finding out more please give me call or email or just turn up to a game - you’ll be very welcome.

I hope to see you cheering us on soon!

Players are responsible for notifying their captain immediately of any change in their availability.

Senior subscriptions remain at £30 + £5 per game played or £50 all in for the season.  Subscriptions MUST be paid by end May.

Contact your team captain for information. Do not telephone until TWO hours before the due start of play.

All players are expected to turn up to matches at least ONE hour before they are due to start.

Hannah Finbow-Jeffery
Captain, Ladies Cricket