Eight Ash Green Cricket Club News story

Net Zero News - Bumper (Belated) Start of Season Issue ...

10 May 2024

There is a delicious but somewhat sad irony in the world's first carbon balanced cricket club being unable to play games due to extreme weather events.  The good news is we can ALL do something about it as the Carbon Champions project gains momentum.  Lots of words below (we promised you a Bumper Issue) but it's ACTIONS that matter. 

Carshare Scorecards

EAGCC’s carbon emission projections assume eleven vehicles go to every game, home and away.  Transport is our biggest source of emissions and the quickest way we can reduce these is by using fewer cars.  Scorecards count every car saved, so if your team goes in five cars you score a six (11 - 5 = 6, Luke).  Electric Vehicles have zero emissions so increase your score even more.  That’s why getting EV Chargers at our ground, and all our oppositions’ grounds is so important.  

A set of large, printed scorecards (sealed in plastic, sorry) are issued to every team’s carbon champion.  A set of images that anyone can use to display on a mobile phone are available from the EAGCC web site under Photo Galleries and the WhatsApp group. 

Points Mean Prizes!

This season we’re introducing a Rewards Scheme to motivate members to take part and see the results of their efforts.  Funding is provided by sponsor Neutral Territory and contributes to offsetting, environmental projects and champion rewards.  Rewards are based on points and will be tweaked as the season progresses.

  • Sharing a Carshare Scorecard pic on the Online Platform scores FIVE POINTS for your team.
  • Updating your club profile photo with a Carshare Scorecard pic wins FIVE POINTS for your team.
  • Picking a side with a full set of players with Carshare Scorecard pics on the Teamsheet and wins TEN POINTS for your team.  First time a team does this wins a drink voucher for every player.
  • The team with highest average Carshare Scorecard wins TEN POINTS each month.  Special surprise award for the highest average at the end of the season.

Long Term Sponsor Commitment

Neutral Territory is the first company to commit to EAGCC’s vision of Carbon Net Zero 2030 and will contribute a month sponsor payment until December 2029.  Emissions from current sources will reduce, but will be balanced by widening emission scope and increases in future offsetting costs.  

The benefit to Neutral Territory is the direct support of action to fight the climate crisis impacting cricket, the field sport most likely to be affected by climate change.  The new programme of regular small payments is more likely to be sustained than a few large ones. 

Funding is primarily used for buying carbon offsets.  By keeping the amount the same over time, club members are encouraged to get involved to decide where to spend any surplus, including individual and team rewards.  Remember: involvement means motivation.

In parallel the club is also pursuing ISO environmental certifications. Whilst these are likely to be grossly inappropriate for small voluntary organisations, comparison with the Carbon Champions approach will be useful and for our research agenda.

2023 Carbon Balanced Again 

Eight Ash Green continued its long association with The World Land Trust and offset its 2023 carbon emissions as part of their Carbon Balanced programme (see below).   We look forward to finishing the job this decade by reducing emissions by 90% and hitting Carbon Net Zero in 2030.  See The Green Initiative for details. 

Rich Parker, Club Carbon Champion