Eight Ash Green Cricket Club News story


06 Jul 2018

Due to the surprise of England winning a knockout match their quarter final clashes with cricket on Saturday. Both oppositions for both teams are keen to watch the football so arrangements have been made which follow: 

1st Team @ Home to Maldon

The first team game is still on this Saturday. However, an earlier start takes place at 10am. The format is 35 overs with a quick turnaround and BBQ after. The Football will of course be on the big screen with our World Cup Beer! Hopefully, the match will finish in time for the Kick Off.

2's Away to Maldon

The second team fixture has been moved to the 15th of September as both teams have agreed. Hopefully, they too will be watching the 1s and cheering club & country on Saturday! 


If you have any further questions please do get in touch.