Eight Ash Green Cricket Club came into being shortly after the second world war, when a group of keen cricket enthusiasts – Rex Beard, George Porter, David Kettle, Reg Ralph and others – cleared an area of heathland (pictured right).
For a detailed and fascinating description of this difficult time, see the page on the
village web site provided by founder Rex Beard and Ted Cooper in 1999.
Our first matches took place in 1948. Home games were played at Chippets Farm courtesy of George an Tom Porter.
The club's first ever fixture was against Lexden, followed by Chappel and Marks Tey. Rex Beard was appointed Chairman and was to hold the position for 25 years, his younger brothers Ted and Dennis both played, and Jim Cant, Dennis Cant, Derek and Michael Ralph, Ben and Tim Firmin, R. Hoskins, Ted Cooper, Vic Wickens, Tom and George Porter and David Kettle were all regulars.
Pictured left is the first ever club XI in 1948.
Our pavilion was built by members over three years, and was opened by Sir Len Hutton on 26 June, 1960. All the money was raised by members (no such thing as brewery loans in those days) over many years. It was a fantastic achievement, and at the time was the best pavilion of its kind anywhere.
In 1981 a bar was added courtesy of Dick Siefers and his sledge hammer, which quickly rendered the original toilets (i.e. buckets!) inadequate. Plans were made for an extension throughout the eighties.
The pavilion was extended to add new changing rooms, toilets and showers in 1989. It was opened by George Porter, Life Member, on 26 August, 1989.
This (and subsequent) extension was built by Boo Cant who, in recognition of excellent work at very low cost (and many other years of service) was awarded life membership. "Boo the Builder, can he fix it? Yes he can!" Pictured left are RP & DJM supervising El Presidente and Head Dustman (i.e. Borough Engineer) John Hutton whilst he digs out the footings by hand.
The third (and hopefully final) extension took place in 2001, when a new bar, kitchen, umpires room, lounge and grounds storage were added. This time, the formal opening was by Don Topley, Essex & Zimbabwe, on 11 May, 2002. He was all we could afford.
Later that year, the pavilion was named the George Porter Pavilion in recognition of the life-time’s contribution made by George who died shortly afterwards. The two events are not believed to be related. Pictured right: Nearly finished! Original pavilion in the middle, phase 2 on left, phase 3 on left.
EAGCC proudly celebrated our Diamond Jubilee in 2008.
In the last sixty years, our club has grown from fielding one side in friendlies, to nine sides competing in leagues. Despite these changes and growth, the club remains a popular one due to the ethos instilled by its founder members i.e. compete hard but fair, but win or lose - enjoy it! Except if you lose to Boxted, that is.
Pictured left is a recent youth team - just one of five youth sides our club now fields.